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David Parker: A Life Dedicated to Service and Community Leadership

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Mr.David Parker knows about challenging situations because he and his family have lived them. He understands how to overcome struggles because he has done it.  He knows what can happen when good people unite behind a cause and knows what Americans can accomplish when they work together.

Jim is the only child of a Native American waitress and a German American police officer whose marriage lasted a short 3 1/2 years. Five nomadic and turbulent years would follow before his stepfather, who Jim credits with saving his life, and a baby sister would enter the picture.  We are all a sum of our life experiences, and the pain and damage caused by adult decisions, especially on children, would shape Jim’s worldview and his future charitable endeavors.      

Jim graduated at 17 and moved to Florida to live with his biological father and attend college.  Unfortunately, Jim’s father was diagnosed with cancer that ultimately took his life four years later at the age of 50.  By that time, Jim’s dream of college had been replaced with the goal of earning a paycheck.  In the years that followed, Jim would have a succession of increasingly responsible jobs before starting his own business consulting company in 1996. For 20 years, he has helped turnaround businesses, big and small.  

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