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David Parkers Priorites

As Your Councilor, These Are David’s Priorities For A Better Austin

Road Safety

Following the untimely demise of her son Chris, 25, in an avoidable traffic accident in 2016, Karen has committed herself to improving road safety and enforcing traffic laws in the hamlet and its surrounding roads.

Civic Engagement

Promoting an inclusive and transparent communication culture ensures that all Wellington residents—regardless of socioeconomic standing or residence—are adequately heard and represented in community discussions and decision-making.

Revitalize Wellington

Following the untimely demise of her son Chris, 25, in an avoidable traffic accident in 2016, Karen has committed herself to improving road safety and enforcing traffic laws in the hamlet and its surrounding roads.

Small Businesses

Champion the growth of small businesses through the Wellington-First initiative, focusing on uplifting and prioritizing our local entrepreneurs

Fiscal Responsibility

Sensible financial management through transparent and intelligent assessment and administration of taxes and fees.


Sensible financial management through transparent and intelligent assessment and administration of taxes and fees.


Promote the establishment and maintenance of transparent, continuous communication channels between the Council and the residents of Wellington, ensuring that information flows effectively and consistently to facilitate better understanding and engagement within the community.

Preserve Our Community

Safeguard and highlight the distinctive small-town ambiance and family-oriented appeal that characterizes the Village of Wellington, striving to preserve these quintessential aspects while showcasing them as the community’s proud and defining features.


Safeguard Wellington’s Green Spaces and enhance the town’s modernity. Actively work for well-lit streets, clear bicycle markers, and visible road reflectors to ensure safety and cleanliness. Continue supporting the distinctive and renowned equestrian and aviation communities to uphold Wellington’s charm and beauty.

Our Mission And Vision

David Parker s agenda is to foster clearer communicationthat ties with the council and the community.

David Parker PrItzer she met while canvassing are unaware of what is happening in the Village, and disconnected from what goes on in council. Karen is determined to show true leadership and continuous community engagement, setting her apart

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